Should You Tip or Not

It is customary to tip in the United States generally 15% - 20%, however, should you tip when you receive a service that's not up to par. To whom and where are the tips going. Have you noticed its a tip to some and a gratuity to others. Does the service provider get to keep the gratuity or is it split with the purveyor. How much is acceptable and who should be considered for a gratuity. The Restaurant Server, Doorman, Bellman, Valet, Barista, Barber, Hair Stylist, Nail Salon, Plumber and the Electrician the list goes on and on. These are all good questions. That doesn't mean you shouldn't provide a gratuity, it does mean you should have discretion to determine what is far based on the service that you're provided. It should not be assumed or frowned upon if one does not earn a gratuity. Its allows for the service provider to reflect on the service that was provided.